Sunday, December 02, 2007


Is not just a good TV show on Wednesday night, but is also a very difficult thing to get a handle on. I really have to hope that life gets easier to handle this Christmas season.

I don't know if it is just me, but I think that modern America we have taken Christmas, the celebration of the bringer of eternal peace and hope, and replaced that celebration with slavery to a schedule. I know that it is not wrong to have a good time and enjoy a holiday with friends, however it is a problem when your attitude and mood go down hill due to the stress of trying to celebrate. I think so often I miss the point of holidays, they are not the time when you go out of your way to work yourself into a frenzy trying to make others happy.

I really want to take some time this season to really accept and claim the peace that offered freely to all by a little child born 2 millennium ago. I would implore that everyone take some time to experience peace in this season.

I want someone to hold me to this and to help remind me to find some measure of peace each day. I have a feeling that this is going to be counter to every last bit of the worlds requirements, but it might be the exact right thing for me.

Tell me what you think, and share some ideas for obtaining peace, if you would.