Monday, September 12, 2005


....... So very Tired.

Sorry it has been so long folks, I have been getting a bit worn down by life lately. I am having to work through some things right now, and it seems that every issue requires lots of time and work on it to get it to if not a final position, a stable location. I seem to be doing many thing, for lots of folks, and I never take time for myself. But that is my MO, help everyone else ignore myself. I am on the verge of doing somethings that would make me happy and might disappoint or even make some other people mad. I have gotten to this point, mainly because nice guys (me, maybe) really do finish last and it is never fun to be dead last in everything.

if this post made any sense, be glad, i am so tired right now, I am not sure i can even really type properly.

later ya'll

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