Sunday, April 01, 2007

My Spring Sprung a Leak

Ok, so here goes. My spring has been interesting as all get out.

I have gone through the process of getting AC contractors to replace my AC unit outside, so as summer approaches I might be able to survive. I learned a few things while my AC was out. First thing is that when you consider that any heat you make has to be cooled somehow you get very good at noticing and eliminating heat sources. I went without cooking inside, cool meals, one light at a time, everything i could to reduce the heat i would have to exhaust somehow. The second thing I discovered is that my house is well set up for open window ventilation, saved me on a few occasions. If anyone ever needs help or advice on AC contractors, let me know, someone else ought to benefit from my learning too.

I also have to deal with a "minor" bit of damage to my truck. A woman at work figured that my nice, clean new passenger door needed to have some of her truck's paint on it, and a dent would look good there too, so yeah. It is going to be a pain to get fixed, and it is going to be interesting on how this get taken care of.

Found out a few weeks ago that our pastor, Adam, is leaving Foundry to go to a great new opportunity. This is tough for me, as he is not just a pastor, but i wonderful friend. I know that this is on God's will, but it still hurts. I know that i will still see him and be in touch, and I will still have a Friend in him and his wonderful wife. I do fear however that without such a wonderful pillar, that my faith will start to waver a bit, and that scares me.

Life is just being very interesting these days, and I am not sure I am all that comfortable with the course it is taking. I am used to being able to if not hold the wheel and steer, that to at least know the course and destination. Right now, I am in an area where I can't see the course, and I don't know the destination. I really hate this feeling of being lost, but i think this is something i need to work on, the idea of "Trust".

I am very hopeful that everything will work out and life gets to an even keel. I have a feeling that things will be slightly off kilter for a while yet to come. Just keep me in your prayers, and I will keep you in mine.

Hope all is well, leave a comment or something, it is always fun to know who is reading.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Being off kilter can be good for you. Never quite know where you are going, and always something to do. Besides, it is easier for God to direct you if you are already moving. Sort of an "inertia of God" theory in the works. Looking forward to seeing you!