Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Where did this month go? Have I really been that busy?

I guess so.

The last few weeks have seemed to fly by, at work and at home. I have been so busy I hardly have had the time for some good old fashioned thinking about life in general.

I am slowly but surely getting back to me, for way too long have been a charade of a person that I thought would be a better person. I was more outgoing, more chatty, louder and "more fun" that I actually am. What I have noticed is that it is massively draining. I need to get back to me. I want to be the genuine me, the honest me, the me that I think alot of people at least respected if not liked. I might not have been alot of fun, but at least I was me and honest to who I am.

I am an engineer so I am looking for some help, what is the action plan for this? If you were to find yourself acting in such a way that you hardly recognized your own personality, what would you do to restore the balance?

Sorry, please no one think that I dislike myself, or even that I hate being happy, I enjoy both. What I despise though is the feeling that I have that I have not been genuine to myself. I guess I just need to take stock of who I am, and who others want me to be and see what reconciliation can be had in there....... or something like that.

Hopefully soon I will be posting a few more photos and blogs, this sometimes helps me solidify thoughts wandering around my head.

Comments please...... or not, your choice.

1 comment:

Dezi said...

Glad to see you back in the blogging world!